Are your cows grassfed or grain fed?
Both. Our cow herd and our feeder cattle graze on grass most of the year and are fed a majority of hay (grass alfalfa mix) in their winter diet. We do supplement our cow herd throughout the year with Dried Distillers’ Grains. A byproduct of Ethanol, it’s good for the cows and turns an otherwise unusable byproduct into something beneficial. They love it! Our feeder cows are given a ration of grain and hay or other roughage. Cattle need some sort of roughage to keep their digestive tract working properly. This is important to us as cow health is one of our top priorities. The beef we sell is grass fed- Grain finished.
Is Grass fed better for you?
All Beef is a good source of protein and 10 essential vitamins and nutrients. It doesn’t matter how it is finished, it’s simply a matter of preference. Beef is Beef, grass or grain. It is good for the human body. For more information contact us. We have some great information from The Beef Check Off we can send to you. No matter your preference, there is a healthy, wholesome option for all.
Why grain fed?
Taste & Resources. We aim to make beef that we want to eat. Grain lends great taste and marbling to meat. Cows have an amazing ability to turn grains into delicious and nutritious protein. Not all beef is created equal, and we believe grain is what sets our beef apart. Feeding cows grain also allows them to get to a market weight with less resources used. Grass alone can take twice as much water, pasture, time, and winter feed to achieve the same result. Taste of our product and sustainability in creating that product are the reasons why we use grain.
Do you use antibiotics?
We do use antibiotics. That being said we take antibiotic use very seriously and in consultation with our veterinarian. We care about our cattle and will absolutely treat them when needed for their health and comfort. We understand people’s concerns with antibiotic use, we are happy to say that most of our cows that go to butcher are antibiotic free. If any of them have been treated with antibiotics, they will not go to butcher until they have met withdrawal requirements for the specific drug used. If antibiotic free is a priority to you, we are happy to work with you on making sure your meat is antibiotic free.
I have questions. Can we contact you directly?
Yes! we are more than happy to chat about our program, prices, cuts and cattle in general. Send us and email or give us a call.